19 Februari 2009

Flower and Graveyard

After my husband and two my little daughters came back to home from doing together sholat Isya' in musholla, we joined together in my husband work room. Me and my husband sat together in front of computer red Safa's writing in her blog. Safa is our third daughter. She was writing with pleasure. While Mila, our fourth daughter was taking an open our book. She has taken several our books for took an open.

My husband guided me posting my comment for Safa's writing.Posting was finished. I looked around Safa's blog again. Suddenly, I was attracted by a flower photo. Kamboja flower. I remembered two graveyards near my village. The place of my family graveyard and graveyard where be passed me when I came back to home from my elementary school. In the two graveyards has been grown some kamboja flower trees. I liked to took some flowers that were fallen on the grave.

When I since in kindergarten until in elementary school, in Thursday afternoon, my father often invited me went to family grave yard. The grave yard at little mountain slope. The mountain is named Gana Mountain, because at the top mountain had been found Gana statue at the time ago.In the graveyard has been buried my grand fathers, my grand mothers, father's older and younger brothers, mother's younger brother, two my brothers and my nephew. And at six years ago my father also had been buried in the grave.

Usually, me and my father drew the wild grasses earlier. After it my father put in order the plants at around the family grave and cut its if so high. While I played or looked for kamboja flowers that were fallen on the grave. The flowers were carried to home for playing. I attached its.

Our activity in the grave was closed by praying for family who has been buried in the grave. My father knew that praying for grand fathers and grand mothers did not need arriving the grave. After we do sholat at five times, we have been suggested praying for our parents in our life. So, my father had not compelled his children following to the graveyard. My father invited to the graveyard for reminding his children towards who had been buried and that one time we also will die and will be buried. Thank you my father. I hope, Allah bless and forgive my father. Really, we property of Allah and to Allah, we come back.

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